

We offer for bookkeeping…………….

  • Preparing all financial reconciliation including bank, cash, sales, purchase and others
  • Posting purchase ledger and expense documents with bills
  • Entering sales ledger documents according to sales invoices
  • Preparing payment schedules and cheque payments
  • Producing the reports of creditors and debtors
  • Working of VAT computation and returns
  • Assisting in Payroll matters
  • Compiling the aged debtor reports
  • Preparing trial balances
  • Other ad hoc services related to bookkeeping

Our experience bookkeepers are familiar with a range of major bookkeeping software for your bookkeeping needs.

Getting your bookkeeping ready for a digital future

Getting your bookkeeping ready for a digital future

Are you still wasting time on manual bookkeeping processes? We’ve explained why digital bookkeeping is the way forward for any serious business in 2024.

Keeping up-to-date records of your business transactions isn’t the most glamorous part of being an entrepreneur, that’s for sure. But, in reality, having accurate and up-to-date bookkeeping is actually one of the core ways to keep your finances (and your business) under control.

Digital bookkeeping is the future of your finance

The digital age has revolutionised the way many business owners carry out their bookkeeping. From digital accounting to real-time data, the modern bookkeeper is now equipped with the tools and resources to make the job easier, more efficient and (crucially) less time-consuming.

When your bookkeeping goes digital, that means:

  • Your data entry process gets automated – receipts, invoices and other supporting documents can all be scanned using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software. This gives you a digital copy of the paperwork, but also digitises the data and pulls it into your online ledgers. There’s no need for tedious manual data entry, and you also reduce the chances of human error.
  • Your digital records are available 24/7 in the cloud – instead of searching through messy hard drives or dusty filing cabinets, all your financial documentation is available at the press of a button. You can pull up the documents you need at any time of day, from any location with internet access. And everything is safely encrypted and backed up.
  • Your tax returns can be filed digitally – with all your bookkeeping data saved and accessed via your cloud bookkeeping/accounting software, your tax returns become a lot more straightforward. Whether it’s quarterly VAT returns or annual corporation tax returns, you have all the data the tax office needs, ready to send in a digital format.
  • Your finance data goes real-time – scanning and digitising your receipts at the time you make the transaction doesn’t just keep your records up to date. It also gives you real-time data on all your income, expenditure and operational costs. Instead of working with management information that’s months out of date, you have informative real-time data on which to base all your big business decisions.
  • You’re 100% in control of your finances – by embracing the benefits of digital bookkeeping, you kick your finances into shape. You and your finance team have accurate real-time records of all income and outgoings, and can stay in complete control of the financial management of the business. Your accounts are in tip-top shape and you’re ready to file your tax returns at every significant period throughout the year.

Talk to us about switching to digital bookkeeping

If you want to transform your bookkeeping, now’s the ideal time to go digital. Talk to our team and find out from here at The Stan Lee what bookkeeping or accounting software is right for your business.

We will also help on your MTD (making tax digital) compliance with HMRC for your VAT, Income Tax and other tax affairs. 

Once you see the efficiency, accuracy and long-term benefits of digital bookkeeping, you’ll understand why going digital is a no-brainer, whatever type of business you run.

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How to Use Digital Bookkeeping with Us at The Stan Lee?

How to Use Digital Bookkeeping with Us at The Stan Lee?

Digital Bookkeeping

In the emerging technology, digital bookkeeping is a must for all of us as accountants and every entrepreneur too here in the UK. As accountants, our challenges are to adopt with the digital accounting and help the clients as well. In this blog, you will read how we can support on your digital bookkeeping needs for your business venture.   


What is Digital Bookkeeping?

Digital bookkeeping is an electronic format (instead of using the traditional method of papers) where all accounting transactions including outgoings, incomings, VAT, cash flow and more are conducted in an electronic environment.

Why You Need to Consider Digital Bookkeeping?

From April 2022, all VAT registered businesses are subject to the Making Tax Digital (MTD) compliance regardless of their turnover, unless exempted. However, you have a range of benefits as follows in using digital bookkeeping:

  • Smooth and efficient document processing that you have access at anytime from anywhere
  • You have get rid of the paper mountain and no need to prepare folders for the quarter ending
  • Less space required for filling cabinet and can utilise that space for other purpose
  • More accurate bookkeeping rather than manual and always clear overview
How We can Help on Your Digital Bookkeeping?

We use most common accountancy software including; IRIS, Sage and Xero for your accountancy, taxation and business support needs. Here is the brief note how you can maintain your digital bookkeeping with us using Xero software. Please note that we are Xero certified advisors.

In our example, Xero is the main software for digital bookkeeping purpose whether you are VAT registered business or not. Once having Xero software, it means that you are benefited from:

  • Automatic “bank feed” connection and no hassle for manual entry
  • Create your invoice in few clicks and then ready to send digitally to your clients
  • Entry bills to pay and reconcile with the bank
  • Maintain expense claims including mileage records and then reimbursed by authorised person
  • Integrate with POS (point of sale) and no hassle for manual sales record
  • Facility to add payment service software including stripe, PayPal and so on
  • Multiple currency and hence no hassle for currency rate and adjustment for gains or loss
  • Connecting with other a range of app including Hubdoc

Hubdoc is a software that extracts key information from your receipts, invoices and bills. No more hassle for data entry and no more filing, simply take the photo of receipts using mobile app or upload documents from your computer. You may not have additional costs for using Hubdoc with Xero.

You may have trouble in maintaining your petty cash and to resolve this, why not consider Pleo. Please note that we are Pleo partner and you may be eligible for discounts as our clients. You will be benefited from: spending solution (seamless expense management), smart company cards for employees and reimbursements with invoices once using Pleo software.

 Here to Help on Your Digital Bookkeeping?

At The Stan Lee, we can confidently help on your Digital Bookkeeping affairs with competitive and reasonable fees. For further information, please get in touch with one of the friendly team and let’s find out how we can help on your digital bookkeeping needs.

We set up the digital bookkeeping for our client at no additional fees

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Five Reasons to Hire a Bookkeeper

Five Reasons to Hire a Bookkeeper

Five Reasons to Hire a Bookkeeper

Running a business is hard work and there is a lot to think about. So when it comes to keeping track of your accounts as well as any other financial business decisions, hiring a bookkeeper is the best way to make sure that all your financial records are kept up to date and any payments go out on time. Below are five reasons to hire a bookkeeper.

1. Keep your focus

Your business needs your full attention which means most of your time will be devoted to marketing, business strategy and sales – basically the key areas that allow you to make your business a success. A bookkeeper will be able to help you with some of the financial aspects allowing you to focus on those key areas of the business.

2. Expertise and knowledge

Not many business owners have a background in finance, this means that they have a limited knowledge of accounts payable, accounts receivable and taxes. A bookkeeper will be trained in this field and therefore mistakes will be few and far between, mistakes that could potentially cost you money.

3. Work-life balance

Finding that work life balance is important for your mental health as well as being able to spend time with friends and family. Hiring a bookkeeper means that after a long day or busy week you won’t have to spend your evenings and weekends pouring over the company accounts.

4. Everything is paid on time

Making sure you pay invoices on time and employees their wages is very important. Between business meetings, sales pitches and stock checks it can be easy to forget the smaller financial tasks or deadlines. A bookkeeper remedies all of that as they have the time to stay on top of everything coming in and going out of the business – so nothing gets missed or left to chance.

5. File tax accounts

Another big task comes with filing your yearly tax return, which is a job that no business owner looks forward to. The last thing you want is to get audited or have the taxman knocking on your door because you forgot those quarterly or annual tax returns. Finding a bookkeeper who can handle the taxes as well as payroll and other finances is one of the best ways to take the stress out of tax season. So there you have it, five reasons to hire a bookkeeper. If you need help with your finances then get in touch with one of our experts here. Our team can help prepare all your financial reconciliation including bank, cash and sales as well as prepare payment schedules and cheque payments.

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