
Cookie Policy

A cookie is a piece of information including both letters and numbers which are stored on a user’s device. A website transfers to the cookie file of the browser on your device’s hard disk so that the website can remember who you are and information about your visit. Cookies are generally used in order to make the website better by navigating between web pages. Our site uses cookies to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and allows us to improve the site further.

We may use cookies to remember personal settings you have chosen at our website. In no other context do we use cookies to collect information that identifies you personally. Most of the cookies we set are automatically deleted from your computer when you leave our website or shortly afterwards. The law about cookies changed in May 2011. Websites must get your agreement before they set certain types of cookie on your computer or handheld device.

A number of the services we use to add value and convenience to your experience of our website may set cookies on your browser on our behalf. These services fall into three broad groups: web analytics, surveys and advertising.

  • Web analytics: We use a third-party service—Google Analytics—to collect aggregate data about usage of our website. We use this information to try to improve our web-based services. Google Analytics sets several cookies on your browser. We do not control the use of these third-party cookies, and you should check Google’s privacy policy if you have concerns.
  • Surveys: We aim to occasionally run surveys on our website. The surveys will be hosted by SurveyMonkey, which sets cookies to help it track your answers to the survey and also to make sure you’re not bothered again with a request to complete a survey if you’ve already seen it. We do not control the use of these third-party cookies, and you should check SurveyMonkey’s privacy policy if you have concerns.
  • Advertising: We aim to serve advertising on some or all pages of this website. Software we use to serve ads places a cookie on your computer which allows us to control the number of times an ad can be served to the same computer. We will not use this feature to collect personal information about you, or the ads that you have seen.

By proceeding on to use our website you are initially agreeing in accordance to our cookies policy and you have accepted us placing our cookies on your device, which you are using to view our site. However, if you wish to not use our cookies, then you can block cookies by activating the setting on your browser that enables you to refuse the use of cookies on our site. Please note that if you choose to do so, you may not be able to access all or some parts of our services on our site.

In order to know more about cookies including how it does work and the ways to manage, you can visit the following websites: